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Truro Community
Traffic Concerns

Traffic Calming Project Site

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Truro Community Traffic Concerns

The 50-year Saga

Since being established in 1968 there have been traffic concerns in the Truro Community.  In fact, one of the first actions, before construction was complete, was to change Old Hickory Road from a cul de sac to a through street to Elizabeth Lane to ease the passage of the expected traffic from the neighborhood on surrounding arteries. (This is why only the Truro half of Old Hickory Lane is in Annandale and the rest is in Fairfax.)

As the population density in northern Virginia has increased, and traffic along with it, there have been a series of measures taken to manage traffic.

As noted in  "Truro- Where did it all begin?", as far back as 1973 residents were having issues with people speeding through the neighborhood streets.  Although cut-through measures would not be added for another 20 years.

During the construction of the Jewish Community Center on Little River Turnpike (SR 236) in 1990, the intersection of Guinea Rd (SR651) and  Little River Turnpike was redesigned to more safely handle the increased traffic for the facility. This had effect of slowing the evening cut-through traffic in the neighborhood a bit,  we are thankful for unexpected berakhah (blessings).

In May of 1995, our community saw the first major proposal for cut-through measures. These included stop signs and some proposed no-left/right turn signs. These were not implemented at that time.

Cut-through commuter traffic remained an issue for the community. There was still substantial cut-through traffic on Elizabeth Lane and Old Hickory Road seeking to access Little River Turnpike and Prosperity Avenue (SR699).  The volume and speed of the traffic on Guinea Rd made walking to school from the west side of that road unsafe.  This worsened school traffic at Elizabeth Lane and Iva Lane each morning.

In 2005, after two years of study by the County and several public meetings at the club house, cut through measure were adopted. Stop signs were installed along Elizabeth Lane at Ann Fitz Hugh Lane, Iva Lane and Chapel Drive.  The requested stop sign and Elizabeth Lane and Old Hickory Road was not approved.

To control the traffic on Wakefield Drive that was cutting through between Guinea and Little River Turnpike, two speed bumps were installed and the lane narrowing was put in place at the Turkey Run stream bridge.

In 2006 VDOT redesigned the intersections at Little River Turnpike- Guinea Rd and Little River Turnppike- Prosperity Rd.  (This resulted in the discovery and relocation of the Ilda cemetery.)  At this time the buffer was added to the far right lane of Little River Turnpike as it passed Guinea.  This slowed right turning traffic from Guinea.  But it had the unintended effect of creating a "protected entry" onto Little River Turnpike from Old Hickory Road. Drivers were now able to use the length of the far right lane to merge into traffic in time to turn left onto Prosperity from the 2 new left turn lanes.

These changes greatly worsened the cut-through traffic on Elizabeth Lane and Old Hickory Road. 

In 2015 a new traffic committee was formed in response to the increasing speed and volume of traffic on Old Hickory Road.  At the same time the Truro Homeowner's Association was once again exploring traffic calming options.  You can visit their website and petition.

This most recent effort has been productive, but it has taken a long time for each activity!

In 2016 an initial traffic count was completed and it was found that the volume on Old Hickory Road qualified for cut-through remediation.  Then a 48-hour study was completed. More than 950 commuter vehicles cut through the Truro Community on any given weekday morning between 6:45-9:15.  This far exceeds the threshold for intervention.

In December of 2016, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors approved turn restrictions for Elizabeth Lane and Old Hickory Road.  

However, this is when things came to a screeching halt as VDOT needed to study the intersection which is now graded an F for Failing in how it is managing traffic. This halted the Fairfax County (FCDOT) process to install turn restrictions. 

But the residents of the Truro community didn't give up.  They kept following up with their representatives and the funds have been allocated for the intersection redesign.

Now we are in the final stages of getting the intersection redesign completed and installing the turn restriction signs. 

Once the signs are in place, the traffic apps will stop recommending our community as a cut through.

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  • Wed, Jun 19
    Wakefield Forest Elementary School
    Jun 19, 2019, 7:00 PM
    Wakefield Forest Elementary School, 4011 Iva Ln, Fairfax, VA 22032, USA
    Jun 19, 2019, 7:00 PM
    Wakefield Forest Elementary School, 4011 Iva Ln, Fairfax, VA 22032, USA
    Join us for the VDOT presentation at our second community meeting.
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